In the first nine months of 2021, more than € 2.3 billion of loans were disbursed (2.2X compared to the same period of 2020). The number of companies financed also doubled (2.1X compared to January-September 2020).
“Once again the role of fintech for the Italian entrepreneurial ecosistem is confirmed – declares Andrea Crovetto, President of ItaliaFintech -. The growth in volumes disbursed by fintechs continues in the first nine months of 2021 and testifies to the ability to provide a service that was unthinkable a few years ago. Thanks to the speed of disbursement and the matured expertise of fintechs, SMEs can now seize new and concrete opportunities in order to continue growing. As proof of the diffusion of these tools – continues Crovetto – it should also be highlighted the data on the number of transactions relating to loans to families which from January to September 2021 almost tripled compared to the same period of 2020, effectively opening a new era in segment”.